
Here are some wonderful things people have to say about the book:

“Thank you for sending me the book.  I have read it from cover to cover already….with tears in my eyes many times. ”  10/24/2009 – Bob Klos

“I took your book on vacation with me and could not put it down.  I read it in two settings.  Do not stop writing – you are good at it.  I cannot wait to read your next book.  Germany became so real to me and I could see your family in my head.  The pictures were wonderful….let me know when your next book is out.  I would like to reserve a copy.” 10/19/2009 – Debbie Bryce

“I just wanted to tell you that I finished your book.  WHAT A JOY to read!  I am going to give it to an English teacher in my building.  Our 8th graders study immigration in Social Studies this year.  They go through the whole’reenactment of Ellis Island.  I want her to read your book because in the English classes the kids read

‘The Diary of Anne Frank’.  It would be neat to read the story of a rel person.  I know Anne Frank was real, but not someone we know.  Your story is more interesting because I talk about you and your resort and the people there.  It will give this time in history a little different meaning…I think it’s wonderful that you’ve left this legacy for your children and grandchildren.  You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished in your life.  It’s a wonderful story to share.” 10/28/2009 – Peg Squazzo (a high school math teacher)

“Read your wonderful book, finished 2 days after I received it, but haven’t had time to write to let you know I thought it was inspiring, hopeful, shows what impact hard work along with playful time and good relationships can have in one’s life.” 11/4/2009 – Mary Kay Vrba (CTP Dutchess County Tourism)

“We found the book very informative, interesting, and very sad, especially the time during World War II.  We have known very few people who have gone through this experience and thus we cannot know the extreme hardship of a direct involvement in a war.  This made us very appreciative of our own early family life.  The details you shared with us of these days, from your arrival to the present day, were noteworthy by showing your great work ethic, willingness to try new things, and careful management of your resources.  This is truly about what makes ‘the American dream’.  We are fortunate to have met you and are very glad that you have shared these life experiences with us.  We know that other’s will enjoy reading about your life.  We wish you the continued enjoyment of knowing that you have given us and the other readers such a great pleasure in this book.” 11/6/2009 – Byrl and Clara Short

“I loved the glimpse into your inspiring life, especially the early years….how far you have come?  You should be very proud.  Your life is an American history lesson, and really should be shared with classrooms as well as people like me.” 11/11/2009 – Randy VanSyoc

“I very much enjoyed reading your book.  Not only was it entertaining, but it was informative, providing to me a window of a very different experience, particularly your early years in Germany…” 11/12/2009 – Richard Koweek, Attorney at Law

“I finished your book ‘A Path of Pebbles’ and wanted you to know how much I enjoyed it. I loved reading about the life of someone I personally know and especially your experiences during World War II.  I cannot imagine living under those conditions and yet you did so in a most amazing way.  If you do a second book, I would like to know more about the day to day details of your life.  The food you ate and cooked, the activities you participated in and what you did in school.  I like those kinds of details which you cannot capture from other history accounts.  Thanks for the read, and please accept the enclosed as a small token of my appreciation for your efforts and for the experiences that you have been through.” (enclosed was a lottery ticket) 12/12/2009 – William Lawrence – Greene County Legislator

“I finished your book last night and was sorry to have it end.  I enjoyed it very much.  I could relate to it very well as my grandparents came to the US from Italy in 1920.  They had similar experiences to your family.  I wish that I had the memory that you do so that I could write their story as well.  All the best to you and your family.” 1/11/2010 – Donna Lannon

and many, many more