Hi…..I’m blogging about my book, “A Path of Pebbles: My Road to Life in America.”
Life is good….my book is selling and I am slowly making my mark as an author.
I need everyone who has read it to start a little buzz about it. It would be so much easier if I was a famous person. Famous people sell their books simply because of who they are.
I am not famous………….yet……
But, if you read my book you know that one thing I have is ‘perseverance’
For now my book is available through my publishing company, Blackhead Mountain Publishers, LLC,
as well as several Independent Book Stores
The Book House at Stuyvesant Plaza, Western Avenue, Colonie, NY
The Golden Notebook, Route 212, Woodstock, NY
The Spotty Dog, Warren Street, Hudson, NY
The Fairview Book Store, Fairview Avenue, Hudson, NY
The Catskill Mountain Foundation Book Store, Route 23A, Hunter, NY
Within the next few weeks, it should be available through Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble
I’ll keep you informed about what’s happening